Gateway's Haunted Playhouse
Gateway's Haunted Playhouse

2024 Theme

In an experiment gone bad, beware the idealistic madman cast as Merlyn the magician. He has become obsessed with turning the theater and all its inhabitants into the illustrious, legendary Kingdom of Camelot - only instead to create a twisted breeding ground of sorcerers and enchanters, where unpredictable creatures lurk around every corner.
The environment will encapsulate the Arthurian legend, the body of stories and medieval romances centring on the legendary King Arthur including the adventures of his knights, the wizardry and manipulation of Merlyn and Morgana, the evil mischief of Mordred, and the adulterous love between his Arthur’s knight Sir Lancelot and his queen, Guinevere. This last situation and the quest for the Holy Grail brought about the dissolution of the knightly fellowship, the death of Arthur, and the destruction of his kingdom.